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CCU is mentioned on
StillChristianIThink - 2/22/2014,1181508

The RFM website where ex Mormons get together has been talking about courageous Christians united.
Re: CCU is mentioned on
Rob Sivulka - 2/22/2014

You could just write me and ask me what I think about specific things. The problem with your typical person that leaves a cult like Mormonism is that they are so burned by religion that they throw the baby out with the bathwater. So of course it's really easy for them to simply assume that religion is irrational and has nothing to do with history, science, philosophy, etc. However, I think the best history, science, philosophy, etc. actually point to what Western tradition for the past 2,000 years has been founded on, viz., that God created all things outside His own being, and that He showed up as Christ, who rose from the dead. That's where the ultimate purpose in life is found. I encourage you to fact check Jesus without the unfounded bias that the supernatural simply can't exist.
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