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Re: Scared and confused Mormon
Russ and Tammy East - 7/13/2013

Hi Karen,

I grew up in a 4th generation Mormon home...when I was 14
now 33 years later I am more convinced than ever that I made the right decision to put my complete faith and trust in Christ alone that His
righteousness and payment for my sin was all that was needed for me to be is a gift...James 2:10 says it all.

Sadly if you were to read a book like The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer Kimball on page 26 and Doctrine and Covenants 82 you will read a very bleak picture when it comes to the LDS way for forgiveness.

You are not alone...feel free to call my wife and I at (801) 645-7434, we would be happy to walk with you on your road of questions and discovery of who Jesus really is.

Your friends,

Russ and Tammy East
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