Temple Square

Last month’s ministry was primarily outside Temple Square. It was great to get out there again and wish people a Merry Christmas! I had a couple real nice conversations with Dawson and then Wyatt the first night, although one other guy yelled at me to get out of there. I even saw people looking up my site JosephLied.com. Traffic flow was different this year, so I ended up on the corner of South and West Temple, right outside Temple Square.

The following night was the Church devotional. Several people briefly interacted with me. One said that I was being disrespectful and that they don't come to my house. I told him this was public property and someone had to warn him before it's too late. Then I told him Joseph Smith was ripping him off and then wished him a Merry Christmas. I also got out a couple Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith DVDs.

On another night, it just so happened to be their Christmas concert tonight (and the following night too, which I went to) and I just happened to show up at the perfect time. HERE'S a short video of me outside the Conference Center that night. I turned my sign on and one guy said, "I know more about Joseph Smith than you ever will. I worked on the Joseph Smith Papers and you should read them." I told him that I have and that he sounds too prideful to think straight about Smith. I told him Smith failed every biblical test for being a prophet of God. Contrary to Deuteronomy 13, he taught a false god. The Bible doesn't teach Smith's God who needed another god before he could ever become a God. LDS guy said, "Well not everything is found in the Bible." I said, "That's fine, but you don't go against what God has already revealed about Himself. He said in Isa. 43:10 that he's the only true God. The Bible doesn't teach another true God, but says all other gods are false." Another lady told him just to ignore me, so I told him, "Your pride is leading you to hell. You make a lousy god, and never will be one."

Later, a couple came to me to ask what Joseph lied about, so I told them 1) monogamy, 2) JST, 3) marriage being eternal, and 4) the Book of Abraham. They were very happy to receive a Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith DVD.

Later, a boy around 15 years old came up to ask me if I would put my sign away since it was really bothering people. I told him, "Good, they need to be bothered for following a false prophet who taught a false god, false Jesus, false gospel, and false Scriptures. Smith is leading you all to hell and someone has to warn you before it's too late.”

I stuck around until the concert was over around 10 PM. I kept wishing the huge crowd Merry Christmas. Greg Johnson of Standing Together Ministries stopped by with his wife Jill to say hi. He was impressed by the lighted sign. I got a lot of other compliments on the sign... even from LDS. Of course I got a lot of negative reactions as well. I was still able to get out a handful of DVDs. A number of people were pointing out that part of my sign–the “O” in “COM”–was  burned out. 

My buddy Jeff soldered my sign, so I was able to get back out there pretty quickly! That was probably the best night, since it was warm and numerous people came up to discuss what this was all about. Pretty peaceful night. Lots of pictures were taken of my sign and lots of DVDs went out too! May God cause the increase (1 Cor. 3:6)! I also got to talk to KSL's Mike Headrick for a couple minutes. Real nice guy.

I did have a crazy night outside Temple Square. A beggar with a cell phone asked what my sign said. I told him, "JosephLied.com. You'll see it light up when I get to the other side of the street." He said something like "that's offensive," and I replied, "Well, God's working on you" and I walked across the street while he was yelling at me to leave. He saw it light up and came across the street. He claimed it was "blasphemous" and that I was on Church property and he was going to call the cops. He was getting really belligerent and started waving his stick around, so I said that I was going to call the cops. He said go ahead and that he didn't care. He walked away, so I stopped the call. A little later he came back and flipped out again, especially when I took out my phone to take pictures and video. Fortunately another guy came to video the event, which probably got him to control himself a little more. Also, thankful for another LDS guy who came and calmly told him that I wasn't on Church property. He called the cops on me anyway. Here are the videos: HERE and HERE.

Had a nice chat with the guy (Tony) who came to video the incident and the guy he was with (Nicholas). They were visiting from Atlanta. They were freaked out about Mormonism. I gave them the Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith DVD.

I also ran into my ex-step-son-in-law who was out looking at the Christmas lights with his new wife and baby. I haven't seen him in years.

Rob, Steve, Strahinja, and Sara
I had a great talk with a couple LDS guys (Lance and I think Tim), who wanted to know what Joseph lied about. I also got to talk about how their Jesus isn't the Jesus of the Bible. They said they'd check the site out and took the Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith DVD.

I was also propositioned by an apparent prostitute last night while working the street! She asked if I had aluminum foil, then she was looking in the trash can for a cigarette. Then she asked me if I wanted to party. She was a Black gal with a white wig.

My brother Steve took our niece Sara and her husband Strahinja inside Temple Square and the Conference Center to talk to the sister missionaries. Steve was way too blunt and told them they were with me–the guy who holds the JosephLied.com sign outside. My family was nice, but asked very pointed questions. That got the Church security to come over and told them if they didn't leave, they were trespassing and the cops would be called. This was Sara and Strahinja's introduction to Temple Square.

We need your partnership

If you’re looking for ways to store up for yourself treasures in heaven (Matt. 6:19-20), may I suggest investing in our ministry? We not only need your prayers, but we need your financial partnership as well. Keep in mind that your investment is not simply for us, but for the lives of others we reach with the gospel. The standard way to financially invest is by writing a tax-deductible check to Courageous Christians United (CCU). For more information on various ways to invest in this ministry, including online giving, please see our “Invest” page on our sites. If you’re not a partner and are blessed by these monthly updates, please join our team and let us know soon. We’d love to be your missionaries here in Utah. Many thanks to those of you who hold us up in prayer and/or in your financial giving!

Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:6)!

Rob Sivulka
President, Courageous Christians United
P.O. Box 1374
West Jordan, UT 84088
(801) 792-6373


Rob you are sowing seed. Someone half around the country might hear of you or hear the truth and be saved. It's what happened to me in 2007. It took more than one worker but on Jan 14 2008 the light went on. Be encouraged, someone might be listening.

You’re a brave soul!

God Bless you for what you're doing, Rob. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Well, the sign (JosephLied) was always there, but many chose, and still choose today not to see it. Sadly, just as you said, many of the LDS will regret in the aftermath for rejecting the truth.

As you’ve shared many stories, people may think that sign is dumb now only to remember it later when they realize how filled with lies Mormonism is. Keep up the great work!

God bless you, Rob, and the work you are doing to save these people. You sure deal with a lot of drama out there, please stay safe. 🙏🏻✝️

Woah!!!! That’s a lot! I am exhausted reading this! Sorry all this happened but GOD knows!!

Right there on the front lines Psalm 24:8

I’ve always admired your courage Rob, in delivering such as important message and telling the truth in the face of adversity.

Please continue God's work 🙏

Thank you for telling the truth!!!

Love you man. Thank you for all you do.

all truth and reason of christianity, the most divided religion on the planet goes out the door when one realizes that Christians will dissolve and divorce their spouse in heaven, and enter into their mansion alone separate and single forever. The heart testifies otherwise

[I replied:] the heart is deceitful above all else, who can know it? (Jer. 17:9). There is no divorce in heaven, since there is no marriage in heaven; we are as the angels (Matt. 22:23-30 and Rom. 7:2-3).

[He replied:] exactly, now read the rest of it, "for ye do err" not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God, , but I do. No earthly ordinance is performed in heaven , is baptism? Yet its effect reaches beyond the grave, (I myself have baptized for the dead (a biblical scripture in 2 Corinthians 15 you can cross out if you like)

[I replied:] Jesus wasn't talking about an earthly ordinance or any ordinance for that matter. He was talking of our state of being when we said we're going to be like the angels, and even D&C 132:17-19 teaches the angels are single. Jesus never taught eternal marriage. Through his apostle, the law for marriage is until death as Rom. 7:2-3 says. Further, the Bible never teaches we need marriage to live in the Father's presence. Christians are all united on this.

Christians are also united in not performing baptisms for the dead. Just because Paul mentions something others did in contrast what the Christians do is no reason to think Christians are commanded to do it.
[He replied:] because you are civil, I will teach you from the authority I received from the laying on of hands of the apostles an ordinance of the priesthood: Herein lies the error and many errors exist in the bible because of wicked men: Consider these bible verses "Art thou bound to a wife? Seek not to be loosed" , Now read on the authority of the man of God, (or the power of God re: those who errored not knowing the scriptures or the power of God, ) "to bind on earth WATSOEVER THING, on earth and in heaven," or to "loose whatsoever thing. Clearly the term bind and loose refers to marriage. Thus both the mormons and the muslims are right, family life continues in heaven, and now you no longer need to enter in to your empty mansion with large rooms and echoing halls aloooone, alooone, alooone, alone. You're welcome (Mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts when Christ reveals his truths from above)

[I replied:] you take 2 entirely different contexts to force a point that both go against what Jesus and Paul already taught, viz., there is no eternal marriage as I've already demonstrated. No Christian plans on being alone in heaven. There will be eternal parties in those mansions. So you are giving a straw man and you are attempting to force Smith’s idiosyncratic theology onto what the Bible has already spoken clearly against.

[He replied:] You have lost your spouse for eternity, because you trust in a delimna written in scripture, Even the people there KNEW, there was marraige in heaven, thus the question was never asked if there was, but rather, they wanted to know which of the 5 husbands the woman would be married to because she was married 5X on earth. You would think that Christians would have reason in them, but I tell you , Christians have been my enemy all the days of my life and I am greatful I never met one while I was seeking the Lord's truth as a boy, or they most certainly would have led me astray, and I too would lose my wife. Verily I say, these words the lord will say to you, "depart from me ye worker of iniquity for I have never known you" .

[I replied:] Jesus could have very easily answered the Sadducees's question by telling them it depends on who she was sealed to in the temple. However, that wasn't the answer Jesus gave them. In fact, marriages were never done in the temple anyway. Jesus plainly told them instead there was no state of marriage in the afterlife, so their question assumed the wrong thing. I plan on my wife being with me in heaven, but she won't be my wife since marriage is for this life and until death as Rom. 7:2-3 clearly teaches. Joseph has lied to you. You should have rejected him and followed what Jesus already taught.

[He replied:] Joseph didn’t lie to me . God wrote his testimony upon the tablet of my heart.❤️. Know ye not there is no greater testimony given to men than that which comes from God? We are to stand on our own testimony and not rely upon the testimony of other men. I shall not join the most divided religion on earth where Christians attend man made colleges and then form new churches daily? “Why are there so many churches among you Christ asks , “is Christ divided? “. If ye are not one then ye are not mine. “ You should relook at the term bind and loose on earth (and in heaven) in your Bible “What you will gain is of great significance. It could add a forever increase to your inheritance above instead of an Amen. (Eternal life is an increase of the seed). In John where it says we shall be one with God and share his glory means the children of God become like the father, as it should .

[I replied:] you commit another fallacy in begging the question that your testimony is from God. My testimony is from God, because I have His word on the matter. Your heart is leading you astray. Jesus clearly taught there is no state of marriage in the afterlife. Whatever other testimony you're getting is against this, and He taught His sheep would listen to His voice (Jn. 10:14, 27-8). You are obviously not His sheep.

The Church Christ established never needed a restoration. It's not as divided as you make it out to be and as evidenced on this issue of marriage in the afterlife. Mormonism is way divided as well. There are hundreds of splitters and each claims they are the one true church and the others are apostate. Just because there's division is no reason to disregard what Christ clearly taught.

You also take another passage out of context in John. Just because we are to be one in purpose with God and fellow believers doesn't entail that God is married and is human in nature. In fact, scripture teaches He's not human by nature but God by nature (Hos. 11:9 & Gal. 4:8). As such, contrary to what Smith taught, He never had to become God. But you have chosen to follow a prophet who failed the biblical test for being a prophet of God and teaches a false god (Deut. 13:1-5). As such, you have devalued God and need to repent.

[He replied:] 1. Using a delimna to define the final state of all people isnt clear, This is what clearity looks like, Lord shall we be married in the next life? The question wasn't asked because the people weren't really wanting to know, they were toying with an eternal principle like a joke with a woman who had 5 different husbands. Let me tell you brother, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are no angels. If your final state is to be a mere angel and not a SON OF GOD, you will fall way short of the mark! 2 Why do you ignore scripture? What is clear is the term binding and loosing, and the authority to bind WHATSOEVER thing on earth and in heaven. Does the term whatsoever have any limitations WHATSOEVER? I tell you there is an inherant problem with speaking to people today, whether a christian, a jew, a muslim, or especially a democrat, they all are fulfilling this scripture: "they are right in their own mind". It is ok to come across a man of God who is much further along the path of light and knowledge than yourself. God still hides his mysteries from the wise and the prudent, and reveals his truths to babes, and the weak. My argument stands upon its merit, and is simple so that a child can understand, "Art thou bound to a wife? Seek not to be loosed, Art thou loosed from a wife, seek not a wife" (This 2nd verse should be an obvious error, and caused many catholics to not partake of the Lords blessing, who said, "it is not good for man to be alone, therefore God made a helpmeet for the first man Adam (proving my point yesterday there are many errors in the bible, but by the power of my spirit I can perceive many truths..

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