Outreach to Mormons |
(Slide Show / Regular View / 2 Columns / Thumbnails)
March 2020 |
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December 2019 |
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Rob preaching to the crowd exiting the 2010 Manti, UT Pageant |
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Elizabeth says... | | "I have a problem with people that proselyte against ANY OTHER religion. I believe that one should be converted by expounding about what you believe, not against what anyone else believes.
By definition, which if looked up in most dictionaries vary. There is this: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. That said, LDS people may be cultish. If you consider that their devotion is toward God the Eternal Father and his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.
The definition of a cult is a group of people with extreme dedication to a certain leader (Christ is the leader of the Mormon Faith) or set of beliefs that are often viewed as odd by others, or is an excessive and misplaced admiration for someone or something, or is something that is unpopular among a certain segment of society.
With the way that society is going today, people that believe in old fashioned values, God, and honoring the family unit, then yes Mormonism may be a cult, because we are not the norm anymore, and thank goodness for that.
The LDS Faith professes to believe in God, the Eternal Father and in His son Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost. This is the 1st Article of Faith (there being 13) Usually when you place something in the first position of a list it is because it holds the most importance.
The LDS Faith also believe in trying to live the 10 Commandments. Just as in the 10 commandments, the first commandment is to say, "thou shalt have no other Gods before me" and that we should not have any graven images. Mormons try more than any other formalized religion to not take the name of God in Vain... we don't throw it around as an explicative as many others of every other religion do. We as a religion practice keeping the Sabbath Day Holy... Those above are the ones that we put a lot of emphasis on that are “peculiar” They may make us cultish. I know that most people of every religion try to live the remaining commandments as well as Mormons.
All through the bible, it talks about a peculiar people…I find it ironic, that in today’s world, a “cult” would be considered peculiar. In the bible, too the chosen people are “peculiar”
If you look into other religions, that have been considered a cult, or when someone is worried that a family member joined a cult, it is usually because they fear that the cult won’t let them out, that they somehow hold them captive. In the LDS faith if you want to walk away, you are fee to do so. In the case of Mike Norton who has made a mockery of what people believe to be sacred. He has spent a lot of time, money and effort to try to dissuade people from being a Mormon. I don’t know a single Mormon who has spent any amount of time professing that what ANY other person of any faith believes is false.
I find that there is great opposition to anything that is good, that is the nature of this life and Satan and his followers. I would never go to someone and tell them the Koran is of the devil, or Buddha is a false prophet etc, etc. I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone of our faith that would do so.
If you can’t convert someone to your religion by preaching what you believe then that is a problem, but you should not try to tear down anything that is about doing good.
" (4/13/13) |  | Rob Sivulka says... | | "Thanks Elizabeth for your hypocritical comment. If you can tell me that I'm wrong in what I'm doing, then surely I can tell Mormons that what they're doing is wrong in following a false god to hell." (4/13/13) |  |
Rob at Texas A&M for Mitt Romney's "Faith in America" speech (12-6-7) |
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Tara sharing her faith with a Mormon at the Manti, UT Mormon Miracle Pageant (6-22-7) |
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Rob, Tara, and Maddy at the 2007 Manti, UT Mormon Miracle Pageant |
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Part of the Dallas, TX Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith DVD Distribution Group (3-25-7) |
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fred grant says... | | "joseph smith was a con man.he was brought up on witch craft by his folks.he never saw god,no one sees god and lives.there were no gold plattes.the 11 wittness,s never saw them with there eyes.only in a vision.its the bigest fraud ever pulled" (6/15/17) |  |
Our first ex-Mormon recovery group at a Dallas, TX Barnes and Noble (3-3-7) |
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Rob and Tara at the San Diego Temple (11-24-6) |
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Jim says... | | "I love this couple for the work they are doing?Do you have a facebook link?I mean ,time is so short.And they are making the most for the coming eternal rewards wher eit will not matter how many more cadillacs we owned ,real estate we bought,but the souls we won for the kingdom,or in other words,how much of our lives we invested for god's harvest.I'd like get get to know more of this.Definitely.Jimmy,Nairobi,Kenya,East Africa" (2/16/13) |  |
Rob with Tara Nelsen at the Manti Pageant (6-24-6) |
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Rob on a how to evangelize Mormons panel discussion at the Ephraim, UT Bible Church (6-24-6) |
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Rob with Ray Comfort at the Manti Pageant (6-21-6) |
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Dialoguing with a small group at the 2006 Manti Pageant |
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Rob with Aaron Shafovaloff at the Manti Pageant (6-20-6) |
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Rob at the Newport Beach, CA temple opening (summer 2005) |
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Brett Kunkle with Rob Sivulka at the Salt Lake City temple (summer 2005) |
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Rock Hills Church high school mission team descending on BYU to evangelize (summer 2005) |
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Cindy says... | | "Hello Rob,
I am a three week convert to biblical Christianity from Mormonism. I was looking over your website. Can you actually witness on BYU campus? I thought that was not allowed because BYU is privately owned. I graduated from BYU in 1981. How long were you Mormon? I just looked over your website rather quickly, but could not find your conversion story. Are you actually getting church members to look at your website? None that I associated with before would ever go to anti-Mormon sites. Maybe times are changing now. Thank you for your time. Look forward to hearing from you. " (11/14/14) |  | Rob Sivulka says... | | "Hi Cindy,
I praise the Lord for Him bringing you to Himself. How did it happen?
BYU will kick mission teams off now if they are discovered. I never had a problem with the exception of one older guy who had long hair. He stuck out like a sore thumb. Teams that go now just go to the cafe and have lunch with people.
I've never been LDS, but my wife was. Here's my autobio: http://www.mormoninfo.org/autobiography-15.
Yes, many LDS are checking out www.MormonInfo.org or www.JosephLied.com.
Your bro,R " (11/14/14) |  |
Singing and prayer before evangelizing each night at the Manti, UT Mormon Miracle Pageant (June 2005) |
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Rob lecturing at his Utah church to the Slater, Iowa Baptist Church mission team on the LDS law of eternal progression (6-05) |
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Rob at the Houston, TX temple (May 2005) |
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Rob at the San Antonio, TX temple opening (May 2005) |
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At the Los Angeles LDS temple (spring 2005) |
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Rob Sivulka in front of the Dallas, TX LDS temple (early 2005) |
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Rob advertises on an overpass during rush hour in Sandy, UT (October 2004) |
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Mike Norton advertises his site behind the Channel 2 News desk on Main Street downtown Salt Lake City, UT (May 2004) |
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Garth says... | | "Years ago, when Mike had his website up and running, I called him up and thanked him for it. Then I ended up calling the "other" Mike Norton, who works for FEDEX and happens to be a Mormon that tried to get me back into the Mormon church! The good Mike works, or did work at UPS. He put it very clearly how you can discredit the BOM with nothing more than a calculator!" (5/17/11) |  |
Matt Vessey of PerfectRighteousness.com witnessing in front of East High School in Salt Lake City (April 2004) |
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Rob Sivulka and Aaron Shafovaloff preaching at the LDS general conference (April 2004) |
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The cops were hassling Rob Sivulka to move off the public sidewalk while he preached at the Manti, UT Mormon Miracle Pageant (June 2003). |
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:eeAnn Baker says... | | "Who was Rob harrassing? This will not stay long I am sure. Rob never bullies or hassases anyone he is just a forlorne individual looking for somthing to do....." (1/12/12) |  |
Rob being interviewed by the BYU cable news for the April 2003 general conference |
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Rob Sivulka at the Salt Lake City Temple entrance off the Main Street Plaza with a temple security guard videoing him (November 2002) |
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Rob Sivulka with Kurt, Cindy, Mark Van Gorden, and Bob Verdin at the Jude 3 Missions booth at the Utah State Fair (September 2002) |
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Special sign outside Temple Square in Salt Lake City, UT just for the 2002 Winter Olympics |
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Rob Sivulka tracting at the October 2000 general conference |
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Rob Sivulka distributing Floyd McElveen's "God's Word: Final, Infallible, and Forever" door to door in Nephi, UT (summer 1991) |
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Rob Sivulka tracting the Hill Cumorah, NY Mormon Pageant (summer 1987) |
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Rob and "Lamanite" Les Mitchell going door to door in Utah county (summer '83) |
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