Lehi High School
Every time I’ve gone to witness at Lehi High School, we’ve always had a great time interacting with the students. Not this time! It was almost like they were expecting us and were programmed not talk or take the DVDs I was passing out. Lots of people were name-calling us. One gal, though, said she was transitioning to Christianity from Mormonism as she walked by us. At the end, this gal came out who was holding a “Proud honk Mormon” sign. It seemed rather disappointing, so I took off. However, later that day a friend showed me a news article that was written concerning our time there. It was a great ad for our JosephLied.com! Guess what Utah city came first in all the visits that day? You guessed it! Lehi!
Rob preaching at General Conference
General Conference
LDS hold a General Conference in Salt Lake City every first weekend of April and October. Besides all the pleading I did with the masses to check out my site, I answered my long time LDS friend, Jim, on how Joseph Smith lied (I simply gave him the example of the Book of Abraham), challenged a skeptic named Fin, who grew up LDS (I pointed out to him that given his background, it’s natural for him to ask where God came from), and also had a good talk with Zion--a recent convert to the LDS Church. I tried to communicate to him the gospel of grace, but don't think he really got it. He did take a couple tracts from me. He came back by and showed me a plate of strawberries and whip cream, and said, "This is how they seduce me!"
The MormonInfo.org stats for Utah went from 5 (the day prior to Lehi High) to 146 (the last day of Conference).
Rob with fellow workers at General Conference
LDS Missionaries
I witnessed to a couple LDS missionaries while waiting for my daughter at AWANA one night. They were walking across the street from the church, so I went over to talk with them. One of them surprised me by agreeing that we need to get outside our experience and go to scripture. They ended up hugging me too! Charis' verse for that night was "’Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’"
Ex-Mormon Meetup
We had Heather McCollor come and share her story of getting out of Mormonism. You can see the pictures here and the video here.
Florida Mission
This was quite an adventure! Thanks again to all of you who made this trip happen for us. The good news was that 1) we had 4 good dialogues with LDS (3 of those were tour guides at the beginning of the mission and 1 was a security guard at the end). 2) I got out about 10 DVDs to cars stopping to ask for directions (1 DVD was given to my Christian shuttle driver as he took me to the car rental). 3) Florida was the top state to visit MormonInfo.org every day we were there.
The bad news was that 1) there was no pedestrian traffic and that ruled out dialogues on the street. 2) My baby Zoe was sick during the trip, and this required me leaving the temple early a couple days. One of those days had us in the ER for 5 hours! She was badly dehydrated with an ear infection. She had 3 antibiotic shots and immediately started getting better. 3) JosephLied.com was down during our trip, which included the time my buddies were advertising it at the LDS Easter Pageant in Mesa, AZ (JosephLied.com goes directly to MormonInfo.org). The problem had to do with a change in ownership of the domain, and it’s all cleared up now. So basically, seeds were planted, but many more could have been planted. This is frustrating, but here’s where we must trust that God’s sovereign and knows what He’s doing in drawing everyone to Himself.
Sivulkas at the Ft. Lauderdale LDS temple
We Need Your Partnership!
We not only need your prayers, but we need your financial assistance as well. Keep in mind that your investment is not simply for us, but for the lives of others we reach with the gospel. The standard way to financially invest is by writing a check to Courageous Christians United (CCU). For more information on various ways to invest in this ministry, including online giving, please see our “Invest” page on any of our sites. Please keep in mind 1) this is our sole source for income, and 2) we have no financial guarantees each month. Ministry partners come and go as jobs do. If you’re not a partner, please consider joining our team and let us know soon. We’d love to be your missionaries here in Utah. Many thanks to those of you who hold us up in prayer and in your financial giving!
We expect God to provide for our needs through you. Why? Because the Bible is clear: “the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel” (1 Cor. 9:14).
Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:6)!
Rob Sivulka
President, Courageous Christians United
P.O. Box 1374
West Jordan, UT 84081
(801) 738-0539
Ft. LauderdaleCourageousChristiansUnited.org
1. Health and protection for our whole family
2. Tara’s family to be saved
3. Wisdom in all our dealings
4. Strength to keep going
A little more help for your ministry. I always enjoy your letters & hear what’s going on.
I like what you guys are up too. Such clever work and reporting! Carry on the excellent works guys I have incorporated you guys to my blogroll.
Just had an aha moment. I am sure you know of this [video]:
Where Bob Millet tells people he does not answer the question he was asked but rather the question that should have been asked.
Bob did not make that up line - whether he knows it or not he got it from Robert McNamara. In McNamara's own book the fog of war he writes,
[“]I learned early on never answer the question that is asked of you. Answer the question that you wish had been asked of you. And quite frankly, I follow that rule. It's a very good rule.[“]
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident was probably the battle more than any other that committed America to escalating the war w/ the communists in SouthEast Asia. Then Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara deceived a boat load of people (including Congress) about the events in and around Vietnam in the 1960's.
Probably the worst birthday ever!Philippians 2:6 to Mormons? Why does it say He did not see equality with God a thing to be grasped? What was the point there if not separate? If Asked
[I replied:] Not sure I understand the question. Jesus is clearly God in the passage, since He already existed in the form or nature of God and that's why every knee will bow to Him. Having said that, Jesus isn't the Father, but Jesus is the 2nd person of the only being of God there is. So while they are inseparably united from eternity, they certainly are different from each other.
Hi Rob, Thank you again for your inspiration and your continuing battle against false religions. You have sparked a wildfire in me, and with the grace of God I hope to become an undeniable witness for Him. I pray for that gift to bestowed upon my entire being. And as I reflect on this Good Friday, and what it truly represents, I am humbled beyond words.
I continue to pray for you and your family
I love you brother
I am sure you are in Florida this week and hopefully being wonderfully blessed by our Lord to do His work there!
My husband… and I met you outside of temple square last October and we met some of the other Christians who have found their way out of LDS.
I discovered essential oils through doTERRA, which is Utah based, and I will be getting to know a lot of Mormons in that group, so I have to wonder if the Lord doesn’t have a mission of its own in mind as almost all of my business partners here… are born again Christians!
May God bless you there! Thanks for sending your newsletters and staying in touch.
Your websites quality sucks.
Glad to support you guys Rob!
Hey, this is …’s wife. I am on the verge of divorcing [him] due to many things, among one of them is his affiliation with you and this group The Ex-Mormons. Which he is complying to...so all I ask of you is to TAKE DOWN HIS PROFILE ON YOU EX MORMON PAGE! Very simple, Thank you! [He] knows I'm contacting you to do this! He feels stupid to ask you himself. I will be checking periodically today to make sure it is done!
Thank you for opening your home to us. Your family is kind and gracious