With my LDS buddy Aaron
Debuting AbortionIsMurder.Info
Very pleased to debut our brand new site at this year's 40 Days for Life--Life Chain event outside the Sandy, Utah Mall at the beginning of last month with my girls. We had a great time advertising our new site and meeting a number of other Pro-Lifers. Please sign the Guestbook on the site and let me know what you think!
New Blogs
“AOC for President!”
“Is There a Moral Equivalency Between Dems and GOP?”
LDS Missionaries
My dad and I talked to LDS missionaries at our place last month. It was the first time any LDS missionaries have ever come to our home in the 11 years that we have lived here! Given COVID constraints, we took them around back and met on our backyard deck.
Several days beforehand, my daughter Zoe was looking out our living room window and saw LDS missionaries walking by our house, so of course she told me and I of course went down the street running after them. They were from Iowa and Arkansas. The latter has been on his mission for 10 months and the former 6 months. They were on their way to an appointment, so we didn't have long.
I told them that the God of the Bible isn't a man and has always been God. I quoted Num. 23:19 and Hos. 11:9 and Isa. 43:10 and contrasted that with what Joseph Smith taught about us all becoming Gods. Then I quoted Isa. 44:24 and contrasted that with Abraham 4-5 where God is having help with other Gods in laying out the heavens and the earth.
Arkansas said that their scriptures teach we can become like God, but I told them their Book of Mormon (BM) agrees with that and teaches that there's only 1 true and everlasting God and knows of no other God. I gave them the dialogue from Alma 11:24-29. However, it's only in their other scriptures of the D&C and PGP where it teaches there are other Gods and we can become Gods.
They said they had to go, but would love to talk later, so they took my number down. They asked what they should study, so I told them to read Isaiah 43-44 and see how that fits with Abraham 4-5. I doubted that they would get back with me, but by God's grace, they did!
Fast-forward to the meeting at our home, my dad and I had 1 hour and 40 minutes with them. I prayed to open us up, and my dad prayed for them as I had to leave to pick up my girls from school.
A new missionary (pictured above in the middle) from Alaska came because Arkansas got reassigned the other day. The new guy was the only one who talked. The one from Iowa (his last name was Eskelsen, shown on your right) just took it all in.
We talked about there being only 1 God, Trinity, good works/perfection to get into the celestial kingdom (they both took a copy of their late prophet Spencer W. Kimball's book, "The Miracle of Forgiveness" from me; it's an incredible guilt trip), how we have eternal life now and know it (1 Jn. 5:10-13), the lack of archeology in the BM, racism in the BM, how the BM originated, the Book of Abraham and the Joseph Smith Translation (JST) frauds, and the exclusive priesthood found in the LDS Church.
Alaska responded to the monotheistic Isaiah passages by going to Genesis 1:26 where a plurality is mentioned. Of course there is a plurality, but that doesn’t justify the LDS polytheistic position, since “God” singular is clearly governed by the pronoun and verb usage. It’s a 3 person singular, not plural. "He" as "God" creates. So there are different understandings of the “Us” there, but none of them allow for translating the term “Gods” in the passage. "Us" in Genesis 1 in no way conveys an LDS Godhead team of 3 separate Gods acting together merely in purpose.
The conversation went really smoothly over all. Alaska only started getting a little unglued when we were going after Joseph Smith failing the fruit test and the other biblical criteria for being a prophet of God. Alaska wasn't feeling the fruit of the Spirit then, but the former seemed to get over it pretty quickly though. I kept reemphasizing how much I'm for them and loved them despite how they feel, and how deceitful their hearts are (Jer. 17:9). I was direct, but told them I wanted to spend eternity with them. As I was leaving, I told them that I ran JosephLied.com and asked them to please check it out after their mission.
New Videos
I have been telling you about the Mormonism video I was hired to work on its script. Well it is finally up. It has been having huge numbers watching it. One LDS guy in a discussion board admitted, "The overview of LDS beliefs was more accurate than I expected it to be. I don't agree with the criticisms that followed, but at least he tried to represent our beliefs factually."
Also, since COVID has been going crazy, we decided not to meet for our monthly fellowship. (My dad just got diagnosed with it, so please pray for him!) However, I edited and posted a video of my friend Michelle Worthy. Her church in Magnolia, TX filmed it for her and she sent it to me. She has a wonderful testimony of leaving Mormonism and finding Christ, so please check it out!
My buddy also posted a video of me sharing about our monthly fellowship and my other ministry.
Year-End Funding
30% of all charitable contributions happen in December. As such, we are asking you to give to our ministry, Courageous Christians United (CCU). CCU is a 501c3 non-profit, so if you’re looking for a tax deduction for this year, make sure you get it in by midnight New Year’s Eve. The various means of giving can be found on our Invest page. Thanks much for partnering with us in bringing Christ’s light to those trapped in darkness!
Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:6)!
Merry Christmas!
Rob Sivulka
President, Courageous Christians United
P.O. Box 1374
West Jordan, UT 84084
(801) 792-6373 (leave message)
Hey I love what you do. ...I recently became a born again Christian. I grew up Mormon and was wondering if you still are doing interviews? I would love to share my story of how God has found me and saved me. I have really enjoyed watching interviews and really connected with a lot of the peoples stories. I too would like to share mine to reach out and maybe my testimony will reach others and help them as well. I live here in Utah. If you are doing interviews I would love to share. Thanks!
God bless your efforts. Life begins at conception.
Thank you for staying this ministry. All children have the right to live!
Thanks for all you do Rob Sivulka.
[In reference to a video of me preaching at the Manti Pageant:] Love this guy
You are certainly very courageous in doing what you do
What is the best way to respond an online Mormon attack Brother Rob? Sometimes it's best just to move on and not waste time hey.
[He showed me a picture of his posting my site JosephLied.com on some LDS site, and continued:] Not sure if I want to or not because I don't want to waste time going back and forth all day with someone who doesn't want to hear the truth. The fact he immediately resorts to an ad hominem reveals that his feelings maybe hurt by me simply posting your website link
[I replied:] You'll get a sense only after you counter punch if he's really open or not. Also keep in mind that your witness isn't merely for him, but everyone else reading. That is a typical knee jerk reaction LDS have. Dont let that discourage you. So I'd engage, pushback a little and emphasize how close-minded and prideful he comes across. He's being condescending of your testimony and assuming he's infallible when of course he may have a strong delusion as 2 Thes. 2:11 says.
[He replied:] Amen Bro. Thanks for the encouragement. I think online witnessing will be the route I will have to go until Spring when it's warm enough to do open air preaching again. So I may as well use this time to witness and learn through social media witnessing
[I replied:] That's also very important. Iron sharpens iron
[He replied:] Yes, Amen Bro!
[I replied:] I pray God will use you and make you a better tool https://www.facebook.com/groups/MormonInfo.org/
[He replied:] Thank you Bro, it's all for God glory. If I need any help on something I will let you know. But don't worry, I won't contact you all the time in getting you to argue my point across for me, but on issues I may get stuck on and not know after doing my own research.
[I replied:] You can always get lot of help on our discussion board
[He replied:] I haven't witnessed to Mormons in a long time really, so am a bit rusty but a little review should help me out.
Okay, sounds good. Thanks for letting me know