February 8, 2008
Dear Family and Friends,
| | | | The Dallas, TX Ex-Mormon Meetup/Recovery Group last month | | Here’s another example on a recent blog of LDS “lying for the Lord”:
“As for MormonInfo.org Laughable. These are the actual anti-Mormons who show up at LDS events and call LDS women whores and $%^& as they try to do something so evil as get married. These are the people who have ruined other's wedding day. I've met them. Last year I was in Manti at an outdoor LDS production about the Mormon pioneers. As I walked to this production with my family (wife, a 7 year old, a 6 year old, a 4 year old and a 2 year old) we were accosted by folks from this organization who insulted us, swore at us, and began to talk about the supposed 'immoral acts' that I engage in, in front of my children. If that's what being a Christian is, then fine, I don't want to be one. It's funny though how the persecuted have become the persecutors.”
Thankfully this blog entry was removed, but it would be naïve to think that blogs like this will always be removed. If Mormons can’t deal with the arguments, they will attack our character, and sometimes they will even lie about us. This particular Mormon lumped what I do in with fundamentalist Baptist preachers. It’s guilt by association. I have heard these preachers call women “whores” as God called the Israelites in the Old Testament when they went after false gods. I have never heard these preachers call Mormons “$%^&,” but that doesn’t mean these preachers didn’t. I know they preach to Mormons through the temple gates while they are getting their wedding pictures taken. I simply congratulate them as they walk by. This isn’t to condemn or condone what the preachers do, but it’s not what I’ve done.
As for Manti, I specifically remember others coming to ask me if I used the term “*^#%” when I preached. It was a total lie. I know how LDS get quite irritated when I preach, among other things, against their sacred underwear and how their god has sex with many wives to produce us in a pre-earth life. Mormons get violent with me, and lie to the security guards and others about the things I say all in an attempt to get me removed. With these emotional outbursts, it’s not too difficult to see how perceptions often get skewed. As a result of Mormons trying to inhibit my free speech rights, I become the persecuted.
Speaking of persecution, last month I just discovered that a member of Tara’s Mormon family posted a blog last June that described our wedding. This individual then proceeded to bemoan Tara’s marriage to someone who does ministry to Mormons full-time. Though the family member wishes us the best, the individual also wishes we would just stay in Texas away from the rest of the family.
This is the ministry that God has called us to. Thank you so much for your concern, financial investments, and prayers for this ministry, and for those trapped by false religions and philosophies. Those acts of love make this ministry possible. We need your continued support. Tara and I are planning on returning and staying in Utah next year. We would like to have enough of a support base that would enable us to move back, and we need your help to make this a reality. We ask that you please consider and pray about investing in this ministry on a monthly basis. If you are interested in learning more about this ministry and what we plan on doing in Utah, please let me know and I will regular mail you a ministry info packet.
Finally, in addition to our other regular ministry work, we added some good testimonies last month to MormonInfo.org. Please see Tiffany Carranza and Renae Storm’s written testimonies, and Brian Mackert’s video.
In Christ,
Rob Sivulka
President, Courageous Christians United
[email protected]
1. For more speaking venues
2. For guidance in fundraising
3. For more members to join our Ex-Mormon Meetup recovery group
4. For my talk to a local chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes on the 22nd
5. For our first upcoming Ex-Mormon Recovery meeting at our church on the 23rd
6. Tara’s LDS family
…I believe God just might be flushing me out and calling me to take a step out on a limb. Not just with witnessing to Mormons once again, but to witnessing to friends too.... Yeah, didn't see this coming. Isn't God just totally rad like that? So um, lots of prayer for this. Friendships could be made or broken because of this. Pray God gives me the "recklessness" to His will and forget mine. Part of me has fear, but more of me cares more about what God desires and wills. So, next friday is the next meeting. I have some "studying" to do. Thanks for your prayers and all you do.
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate what you are doing. So few have the guts to do it, and I have noticed that the few that do, seem to do it with anger. It is so wonderful to see the strong, but loving ministry you have.
I pray God continues to greatly bless your ministry, thank you for all your hard work.
I loved seeing the sign held up behind the CNN reporter at Mitt's big religious meeting several weeks ago. Very cool!
Would you say that the bible is completely and totally changed and says exactly what it said when it was first written with no mistakes and nothing left out?
[I responded:] This will be helpful for you to understand the different questions and answers concerning Bible transmission.
Isa. 40:7-8 says that the word of the Lord stands forever. Jesus taught His words would not pass away (Mt. 24:35), and that scripture could not be broken (Jn. 10:35). Since I'm a disciple of Jesus, I believe what He taught.
So God's word can still stand even though various translations change and err through time. We have the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek manuscripts to work with in order to piece together what God actually said.
After a trying day at work, I returned home to find your pamphlet, "Beware of False Prophets" on my door. I hope that you were not targeting me or my family specifically by mentioning our faith. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt, I must say that receiving a pamphlet warning against what our family believes was a shock to the system and made a hard day worse. Please keep in mind that a variety of people live in the Lake Highlands neighborhoods of Dallas. We do not all worship in the same manner but I think we are all deserving of each others' respect. Thank you in advance for considering my feedback,
[I responded:] I'm truly sorry about your hard day, and making it worse. I realize that not all people in this neighborhood hold to the historic Christian faith, and that is exactly why my pamphlet is relevant. I meant no disrespect of you. I value you as a person made in God's image. I value your opinion. I do not, though value, false religions that send people to hell. They are cancers that need to be dealt with in all seriousness. And it's precisely because I respect and love you that I want to warn you to take care of this before it's too late. |