Craig in between Tara and I on June 3, 2018
The Power of Prayer and Friendship
Last month, I received the sad news that a guy we met about a year and a half ago at my folks’ former church in Texas (Craig) passed away. Some of you may remember me telling you about him in one of my newsletters. Though this was sad, I also received good news that he had renounced Mormonism and was a regular at this TX church. I look forward to being with him again soon. God put a burden on my heart to pray for Craig after we met. I had him on my prayer list, so I would pray for him almost daily. I write this to encourage you to be steadfast in prayer (Col. 4:2). "You do not have because you do not ask" (James 4:2). I’m also thankful that Craig had good Christian friends who introduced him to their church!
LDS Missionaries

Buttars and DeemI had a little over a half hour talking with these guys (Buttars and Deem) about the Lord, praying for them, and then giving them my cards. Buttars is off his mission next month. Please say a quick prayer for them. I saw them walking down the street as I drove by and God told me to go talk to them. We covered quite a lot of territory, and they listened intently the whole time.
Podcast Interview
I was on Gene Curl’s podcast “Recovering Faith” for just over an hour. He interviewed me on Mormonism. You may hear the interview HERE.
Sidewalk Advocates for Life
I spent a whole Saturday taking this seminar on saving women and babies from abortion outside abortion mills. Though I didn’t agree with everything, I really enjoyed my time learning how to approach women going in to have an abortion.

Sidewalk Advocates for LifeThe guy I sat next to had fundamentalist Mormon theology even though he was attending an LDS Church. He’s not happy about continuing there primarily because the LDS Church has exceptions to abortion (rape, incest, life and health of mother) and the bishop didn’t want to help him advertise for the March for Life, since the bishop said it was too political. I asked this guy I was sitting next to if he believes that Adam is our God and if God was a sinner, and this guy affirmed it! I then asked him why he would believe that since the Bible teaches that God has always been Holy and God, and I gave this guy a couple Bible passages that contradict his view. He simply said, “I can’t explain those passages, but I just know that it is true.” I gave him my card with my websites on them, and he took it.
Another LDS guy was there, so I went up to him after the seminar and asked him if he held the LDS Church’s exceptions to abortion. He immediately got overly defensive, and said, “It seems like you’re trying to sucker [punch] me.” I said, “I’m just wondering if you accept what your church has taught on this subject,” and then I read the quote to him from his own church. He told me, “I have repented from holding that teaching.” He was very upset for having held what they have taught. Then I told him I was just wondering how he justifies what his church teaches. He became quite emotional and said, “I feel hostility from you.” Imagine that! Hostility from calmly asking a sincere question. Ironically, like many pro-choice advocates, he was too emotional to pursue the conversation.
Our friends Jared and Lisa Fawcett were kind enough to come on very short notice to share their testimony at our monthly gathering, and they did a great job. You may watch their testimony and see the pictures by clicking on the link above.

Charis and ITraining My Daughter
Charis and I finished reading our first book on Mormonism together the other day. It was Sharing the Good News With Mormons--the book I contributed a chapter to. It sure took quite a while. Charis not only is more skilled with Mormonism and how different it is from Christianity, but her vocabulary and reading are getting really good!
New Videos
Jay Watts of Merely Human Ministries came to speak at our church. I have posted a couple videos of him and need to post more when I get a chance. Here's one on "Incrementalism in the Abortion Debate" and the other is on "Rape and Abortion."
We Need Your Partnership!
We not only need your prayers, but we need your financial partnership as well. Keep in mind that your investment is not simply for us, but for the lives of others we reach with the gospel. The standard way to financially invest is by writing a tax-deductible check to Courageous Christians United (CCU). For more information on various ways to invest in this ministry, including online giving, please see our “Invest” page on our sites. Please keep in mind we have no financial guarantees each month. Ministry partners come and go. If you’re not a partner and are blessed by these monthly updates, please consider joining our team and let us know soon. We’d love to be your missionaries here in Utah.
For those who sign up to partner with us on a monthly basis, I will send a signed copy of the book I contributed a chapter in--Sharing the Good News with Mormons (Harvest House). Many thanks to those of you who hold us up in prayer and/or in your financial giving!
We expect God to provide for our needs through you. Why? Because the Bible is clear: “the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel” (1 Cor. 9:14).
Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:6)!
Rob Sivulka
President, Courageous Christians United
P.O. Box 1374
West Jordan, UT 84084
(801) 792-6373 (leave message)
Dear Mr. Rob Sivulka,
My name is Gene Curl and I am the host of the Recovering Faith Podcast, a show that focuses on trusting God when it doesn't make sense and regaining faith and trust in God after loss or when coming from a non-Christian or psuedo-Christian world view (such as Mormonism).
I recently listened to your interview on the Ex-Mormon Files, and when I visited some of the Church history sites in New York a few summers ago I saw people holding up your signs and checked out your website. While it is not the entire focus of my podcast, I do dedicate a lot of time trying to help Mormons come to Christianity, and I would love to have you on my show to discuss why you try to help Mormons and what exactly it is about the LDS Church that isn't Christian and why it matters.
I was not raised in the LDS Church but was converted when I was a teenager and spent over ten years of my life in the Church before realizing it was a cult and leaving. I even served a two year mission and was married in the temple.
I have a heart for helping Latter Day-Saints to Christ and would be honored if you would consider being a guest on my show.
may the Lord bless you in your efforts.
-Gene Curl
Hi Rob. Thank you for your ministry! ...I am a concerned Christian who lives in Southern CA. When I go to Josephlied.com it always takes me to mormoninfo.org Are these 2 separate websites or are they one and the same? Thanks and God bless
[I replied:] The sites used to be separate when Mike Norton ran Josephlied.com. But he gave it up around 2008, and now the url goes to MormonInfo.org.
[He replied:] Thanks Rob! On April 25th I am speaking in Rosarito Mexico on Mormonism and Jehovahs Witnesses. Do you know of any good Spanish websites on these two cults? Blessings,
[I replied:] All my tracts here are in Spanish... http://www.mormoninfo.org/tracts-13. Also, https://www.4mormon.org/es/, www.4witness.org/es/, and http://mit.irr.org/es.
Thank you,
Romans 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
God bless you and Maranatha.
I thought the only March for Life was in Washington D.C. That is so awesome that you went!!
Great job, Rob. Helping save the lost, cult sheep.
Why is "be a little open minded" his main thing? I've never known more open minded people than Mormons... And yes they KNOW their own history and they even know and teach history of other religions... I just don't get where that's coming from
[I replied:] Simple. We bend over backward for them to talk to us or take our information on the street. They by and large won't do that and our content to simply tell us that they've prayed about it and know it's true and that's why they don't need to listen to us. So I'm content with them looking up my site in privacy and on their time, and Google Analytics demonstrates they will do that.