Mormon Repents
Last month I had the privilege of leading a Mormon to Christ over lunch. A friend of both of ours put this Mormon in touch with me. He signed up to take my 6 week online class on Mormonism, and he began writing me. At lunch, he asked a couple theological questions, and then the rest of the time, I was able to share the gospel of grace with him. At one point, he told me that our meeting was not what he expected. I asked how so, and he told me that he worried it was going to be like another bishop’s interview. These interviews are guilt-ridden for not measuring up. My new friend understood the freedom of the pardon that Christ gave on the cross. He prayed with me to receive that pardon by faith, trusting Christ for a brand-new life with new desires to love Jesus above all else.
Except for one in-law, everyone else in this friend’s family is Mormon. Please pray for his growth and that he would love
Rob and Sam Young (December 2018)his family well during this uncertain time.
Sex Abuse and Name Change
The LDS Church has been dealing with a lot of bad publicity due to Sam Young, a former LDS bishop who has been calling his own church out on its worthiness interviews of young kids. These interviews have been conducted behind closed doors with an older man probing kids with sexually explicit questions. This has been a recipe for disaster. Sam has been so passionate about this that he’s staged a 23-day hunger strike outside Temple Square to get the Church to change its policy. At this writing, Sam expects to hear any moment that he’s been excommunicated.
During this time of the hunger strike, the LDS Church thought it would be a brilliant idea to turn the media attention away from this topic and onto another attempt to get its members to stop calling themselves “Mormon” or “LDS.” Evidently, the Lord is quite concerned that His followers start referring to themselves in the proper way, and for all these years, He has been indifferent to the way these worthiness interviews are structured.
Tara sharing at RevivalKUTV interviewed me outside Temple Square back in 2001 when the LDS Church attempted the same thing. Here’s a video I posted on KUTV’s newscasts on this subject from both then and now.
Speaking in So Cal
We had a great time speaking on three different occasions in southern California. It was also great to meet a lot of friends, several which we have only known from online (one of those was Fred Anson, who is an admin for my Facebook discussion page on
We first spoke at Revival Christian Fellowship in Menifee. This was to a 20-something group and there were about 50 there. My roommate from Biola University, Todd Lauderdale, is their pastor. I shared on the Three Biblical Criteria for Testing the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith and then Tara shared her testimony.
After that, we spoke at our adopted church—Logos Christian in Escondido, where my good friend from Talbot seminary, Dave Ruscetta, is the pastor. My two girls recited the books of the Bible, and then I shared about my chapter “Website Advertising: The Sign Approach” in our new book Sharing the Good News with Mormons. There were also about 50 at this event.
Rob at Logos
Finally, we spoke at Ex-Mormons for Jesus in Orange to a group of about 15. We did the same thing that we did in Escondido except my girls also sang Psalm 1 and Tara also shared her testimony.
New Blog
Here’s a blog I wrote on "The Sexual Slide Continues,” which deals with the recent public push for the acceptability of pedophilia orientations.
Mormon Attacks My Article Without Reading It!
To see how a Mormon Facebook friend attacked my article on "Examining Mormonism’s Founder: The What-Did-Joseph-Smith-Lie-About Approach," see here.
We Need Your Partnership!
We not only need your prayers, but we need your financial partnership as well. Keep in mind that your investment is not simply for us, but for the lives of others we reach with the gospel. The standard way to financially invest is by writing a check to Courageous Christians United (CCU). For more information on various ways to invest in this ministry, including online
Charis and Zoe sharing at EMFJgiving, please see our “Invest” page on any of our sites. Please keep in mind we have no financial guarantees each month. Ministry partners come and go. If you’re not a partner and are blessed by these monthly updates, please consider joining our team and let us know soon. We’d love to be your missionaries here in Utah. Many thanks to those of you who hold us up in prayer and in your financial giving!
We expect God to provide for our needs through you. Why? Because the Bible is clear: “the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel” (1 Cor. 9:14).
If you sign up to become a monthly partner of our ministry, I will gladly send you a signed copy of our new book Sharing the Good News With Mormons at no cost. If you simply want to buy it, I will sell a signed copy for $18 (includes shipping and handling within the United States). Amazon lists it for $15.99 without shipping and tax. All proceeds go to support CCU, which is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:6)!
Rob Sivulka
President, Courageous Christians United
(801) 738-0539 (leave message)
I ran across your website today. Thanks for the information.
Thanks for sharing with our folks. Heard very good things.
It was a blessing to have you. I got a lot of good feedback from the group.
It was a GREAT presentation last night. I am so glad I was able to attend.
I LOVED hearing your testimonies and experiences at the EMFJ meeting. I wish more people could hear you speak like that. It explains a lot of your ministry and why you do what you do.
what’s funny is when I was a full believing Mormon I’ve seen videos with Rob In them and I used to think that guy was one of the biggest anti Mormons haha. Now I see he’s only preaching truth!
...I also remember when I was younger seeing a guy holding a “Joseph Smith lied” sign at the Mesa Easter pageant and the Gilbert temple open house. I don’t know if that was you or if you have a team of people.
Continuing the conversation from the previous month:
LDS: How are you
Me: Here's a new article I just had published that I'd like for you to read.
LDS: Do you think I'm going hell
Me: If you reject the pardon that Christ offers you and you follow a Christ who is the spirit brother of Satan, and you believe in a God who hasn't always been God, but had to follow some other God before He could become a God for simply the worlds He rules over, and you think that God had to get a wife before He could become a God for us, then you are following a false god and false Christ to hell.
LDS: U mean the Mormon are going to hell
Me: Not all Mormons understand what Mormons teach. Like new converts. But for the rest for buy Joseph Smith's god, and reject the God of the Bible, yes, they are going to hell, and that's why I have devoted my life to warning and saving them.
LDS: U mean the Mormon
Me: Not sure what you're getting at.
LDS: Because I love what the Mormon teach
Me: So do you believe what I have described above from Joseph Smith?
LDS: I believe in the Mormon church that my chruch
Me: So you believe what I just described above from Smith?
LDS: Yeah I know
Me: Then you're going to hell and you need to repent of your false god and false Christ.
LDS: But I love my mornon chruch
My chruch is true
Me: Again, you're addicted to a cult.
Why would I believe the LDS Church is true?
Because is always is
Me: Please read the article I just posted for you above, and then we can talk more.
LDS: God told me that the truth church
Me: How do you know it was God? Could you be deceived or are you perfect?
LDS: I know that I pray to him he told me that true church
Me: That doesn't answer the question. I pray to Him to and He told me it's false.
LDS: Idk but I love my chruch
In I always will follow the Mormon church
Me: God can change your mind like He did for Saul who became Paul.
You don't know the future. God does and He wants you to repent from your religious drug.
LDS: Sorry but I love my Mormon church god all redey did
Change my mind
Me: Will you read my article?
LDS: Do you think Mormon church are evi
Me: We've already had this discussion last time. Will you read my article?
LDS: If you're not open-minded enough to do that, then you are wasting my time. I was open-minded enough to read all your scriptures. You can at least read a 3,300 word article I wrote if you want to continue this conversation.
Do you think mornon chruch is brain washing me
I'm going become god one day
Me: That's what Satan told Adam and Eve. God knows of no other God as Isaiah 44:8 says.
You make a lousy god.
You have father right u going become like your dad God is like that
Me: I know the Only Worthy One and you need to know Him.
LDS: Im going get close to god
Me: I'm going to be like God, but I'll never become a God like Joseph Smith said we could, because God already said He's got the position filled. I'd rather listen to Him than you or Smith. Read at least Isaiah 43:10: "Before me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after me."
LDS: I'm not going to bow down to me I'm not that kind good in we don't teach that we are God people going whipser me bow down to me no that not the Mormon teach
Me: You're being lied to. If you become a God like God became a God, then you'll populate a world and your spirit kids will worship you, not the God of this world. That is blasphemy.
You're going to hell, and you need to repent before it's too late.
LDS: That not we were teaching about we will teachings
We teaching that can be close to our heavenly father
Me: Read D&C 132:15-23, 29 and 37
What does it say?
Does it say what you said or does it say what I said? It clearly teaches what you said before, that you can become a god.
LDS: I still gonna be come a god
Me: D&C 76: 50-58 and 95 says you can become a god and with all the other gods you will all be equal in power.
LDS: What that means equal in power
Me: Again, what does the Bible teach? Did you not read what I already stated? How about Isaiah 44:6: "I am the first, I am the last; beside me there is no God." Because all the gods of the people are idols as Ps. 96:4-5 teach. The Lord made the heavens. All other gods are false. You're not listening to God's word. You're listening to a false prophet and he's ripping you off to hell.
LDS: U mean the Mormon are taking me to hell
Me: Those who follow another god are going to hell according to 1 Corinthians 6:9.
LDS: So they are taking me to hell is that what u saying
Me: Jesus taught that eternal life is knowing the Only True God and Jesus who He sent in John 17:3. If there's Only One true God, then you aren't going to be a god. All the other ones are false. Yes, you're going to hell. You need to flee your cult.
LDS: I can't I love my chruch in my Mormons friends
Me: I love them too, but I warn them they need to repent or they'll go to hell.
LDS: What happened if they don't t repent
Me: 2 Cor. 6:17 says, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you."
You don't come out, you won't be received.
Simple as that.
LDS: My mormns friends told me that our church is true
Me: And they are deceived since they are also following a false prophet who doesn't teach what God has always said in His word the Bible.
If you love God, then you'll follow Him, not your friends.
You reject what God has said, then you obviously don't love God. You're more in love with your friends, and that's why God will let you go to where you really want to... away from Him for eternity.
LDS: So u think we following Satan
So u think that we follow Satan
Because we teaching false prophets
Me: I don't think you directly follow Satan, but you're still doing what he wants you to do in rebelling against the Only true God.
I pray that God will give you eyes to see and ears to hear, and that you'll fall in love with His word the Bible, and that you will study to find out what He has said about Himself to warn us of false prophets who teach to the contrary.
LDS: I just love being mormon
Me: Yeah I know. That's your problem.
How about how the Book of Mormon is racist, white supremacist literature? Do you love that about being a Mormon?
LDS: That was long time ago
Me: Then the God of the Book of Mormon was still at one time a racist or white supremacist, and that's not the God of the Bible.
Alma 3:6 and following says clearly that God cursed people with a mark of dark skin to keep them separated from the righteous white skinned folks, and as they dark skin people repented in 3 Nephi 2:14-16 their curse was taken from them and they got white skin and were able to join with the whities.
C'mon that's horrible and not of God.
LDS: I'm Hispanic
Me: OK, but you should still be sickened by white supremacy.
Your Book of Mormon is a racist fairy tale.
LDS: I believe in the book Mormon
Me: So you believe God cursed people with dark skin to separate them from the whites until the former repented and got white skin?
C'mon, that's silly and horrible
LDS: U don't respect my chruch
Me: It's a cult and it's leading you to hell. You need to wake up.
There's not one place in the Americas that has been definitely found that's talked about in the BM.
LDS: Why u doing bother that satanic chruch that cult
Me: Not one person found in the America mentioned in the BM has been found.
LDS: People who follow Satan what about that
Go bother them
Me: There's no evidence for it and all the evidence is against it.
LDS: But stop bugging my chruch
Me: You're going to hell. You're not going to be a God. You're a pathetic sinner, and you're going to fry like bacon unless you run from the Mormon Church and run to the Jesus of the Bible.
LDS: Why u judge me
Me: Someone has to warn you before it's too late. If you repent and make it to the celestial kingdom with me, you'll thank me for trying to wake you up.
LDS: I'm staying at the Mormon church I grew up Mormon church
Me: Then I'm really sorry that you'll end up in hell.