

Rob preaching at New Life Community
Rob preaching at New Life Community



Indio, CA


The beginning of last month I had the privilege of preaching at New Life Community Church in Indio, CA.  I shared on “Suffering and Joy in Our Evangelism,” since it was the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.  You can watch the sermon here.  This talk is designed to encourage evangelism to the masses despite all the suffering that goes along with that.  It was good to see friends there who I haven’t seen in about 25 years, and it was good to make new friends!

Branson, MO


Tara and I also shared at Calvary Chapel Branson, MO right after Thanksgiving. I spoke on the “Three Biblical Criteria for Testing the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith,” and Tara shared her testimony of coming out of Mormonism and coming to Christ.
Pastor Christopher Ray at Calvary also set up a radio interview for me on Good Morning Ozarks—88.1 Life FM.  The radio hosts Charlie and Keith interviewed me on my ministry and Mormonism vs. Christianity.  They enjoyed it so much that they held me over for an extra half hour, and invited me to come back for more later that week.  You may watch my first interview here.


Branson is quite a hub for family entertainment, so guess who is doing a lot of entertaining there?  That's right!  Many Mormons are in the entertainment industry there.  In fact, Tara went to high school with one of the Duttons, whose family has a very popular show in Branson.



Thanks so much for those of you who contributed to me getting another computer!  I ended up getting a used Mac desktop and monitor primarily for the Final Cut X program to put movies together.  

At Calvary Chapel Branson
At Calvary Chapel Branson
We Need Your Partnership!


We not only need your prayers, but we need your financial assistance as well.  Keep in mind that your investment is not simply for us, but for the lives of others we reach with the gospel.  The standard way to financially invest is by writing a check to Courageous Christians United (CCU).  For more information on various ways to invest in this ministry, including online giving, please see our “Invest” page on any of our sites.  Please keep in mind we have no financial guarantees each month. Ministry partners come and go.  If you’re not a partner, please consider joining our team and let us know soon.  We’d love to be your missionaries here in Utah.  Many thanks to those of you who hold us up in prayer and in your financial giving!


Rob being interviewed on Good Morning Ozarks
Rob being interviewed on Good Morning Ozarks
We expect God to provide for our needs through you.  Why?  Because the Bible is clear: “the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel” (1 Cor. 9:14).





Merry Christmas!


Rob Sivulka

President, Courageous Christians United

(801) 738-0539




1.  Health and protection for our whole family

2.  Tara’s family to be saved

3.  Wisdom in all our dealings

4.  Strength to keep going




Hello Rob,


I don't know if I'm sending this to the right person, but I think so. Years ago I worked on temple square, at the church history museum. I had a conversation with somebody who asked me some questions about what I thought regarding Joseph Smith's life. It wasn't an argument, it was a pleasant discussion with some direct questions. I was also given a flyer for I'm pretty sure this person was you, but it has been a long time since then.


Anyway, that one conversation started a chain reaction, that eventually led me to hours and hours of research, and to finally leave the church. Unfortunately my marriage was not able to withstand this upheaval, but it was honestly the right choice for me.

I'm sure you get messages like this all the time, but I was reading something online and saw "joseph lied" mentioned. I had forgotten so much of that, I thought I would check in and send you my thanks. The conversation and website changed my life for the better.


All the best to you,

[I replied:] Thanks so much for your encouragement.  It could have very well been me, but it could have also been someone else.  Nonetheless, I'm thankful that my site was instrumental in getting you out of Mormonism.  Do you recall what exactly the flyer was?  That may be helpful in determining who it was that you spoke to.


Really sorry about your wife.  I highly recommend  My wife and I have both been through it, and we have both facilitated the meetings before.

Where are you at now in your spiritual life? 


Please find me and friend me on Facebook.

[He replied:] It was at least 12 years ago, I don't think I have it anywhere. It was black and white booklet, folded in half, and was mostly just reprints of old documents.


I will look into the groups, sounds like it would be worth attending. We currently in the divorce process now.

Spiritual life has mostly been defined by what I don't believe, rather than what I do believe. I've attended some different congregations but nothing resonated with me. Still, I'm in a much better place now.


Thanks again!

You should NEVER INFERE ANYTHING from the Bible! That is dangerous ground to tread on!


[I replied:] Not sure why something can't be inferred from dangerous material.  If a bomb has instructions, we'd be foolish not to carefully infer from it.

You yanks are the dumbest people on the planet. America is not special. Christ doesn't have a special place in his heart for dumb Southern/Midwestern evangelical Americans. Your god is ignorance and self righteousness. &^%$ # $%&.


One of our best Meetups. Thank you, Rob and Tara. Thank you, Evie and Jordan for speaking.

Y is it that is only the Mormon Church U guys Persecute, that make me to believe that the Church is true, Jesus Christ say somethin to his apostle, That if the world hate u and say so many bad things about you, that is what make you this own,that is to say if you guys are saying so many things about the Mormon Church and Josephsmith that means they are for Christ, And Christ also said that if the world hate you, that means you are not of the world, so Mormon Church and Josephsmith are not of the world. U guys Know that what i say is true, if u say is not true, Can u please proof me Wrong,




[I replied:] You have a distorted view of persecution and hate.  Since when is warning others hateful?  Further, you want to talk about real persecution, then you should be aware of all the Christians around the world losing their lives every day for the sake of Christ.  Your view of persecution simply devalues what real persecution is.  Those are the ones who are really hated, not those in some relatively small cult.  Now if you want to know what the real differences between Mormonism and Christianity, then please read the article that's linked here or simply go to my Home page chart of differences on



[He replied:] so what did Christ mean when he said, HAPPY ARE YE WHEN MEN SPEAK EVIL OF YOU, he also said that, THAT ID WHAT THEY DID TO THE PROPHETS OF OLD, and u we agree with me that they did it to them and his apostle that are the prophets of that time, that means that they will do it to the latter Prophets(josephsmith and His successors).

Look at all the Churches, non of them have even make a proof of a divine caling, But josehpsimth did, (BOOK OF MORMON), Non of the write as prophets also do but Joseph dis (DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS) .


[I replied:] Christ was speaking to His disciples.  Mormons aren't His disciples, since they teach a false god, false Jesus, false Holy Spirit, false gospel, with false prophets and false scriptures.  If you'd like to know why that's the case, then simply see how Mormonism contradicts God's word with my Home page chart of differences at

We were so blessed having you guys this morning! Thank you for sharing, brother. I was extra blessed to get to spend time getter big to know Tara!! I love her!


Thank you for joining us and sharing the Word!! We were encouraged and challenged!!

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