October 5, 2012


Our Non-Involvement in “The Innocence of Muslims” Film



Rob Sivulka being interviewed by the CBS Morning Show over the film
It may come as a surprise to some of you, but last month our ministry was being blame for the making of that dopey film that infuriated the Muslim world. Just do a news search for “Courageous Christians United” (CCU) and you’ll see what I mean. As usual, the media was very disappointing! One of our board members and the founder of this ministry, Steve Klein, was a consultant for the film, and ended up being its promoter. Among other things, the media took his involvement as CCU’s involvement, and some of the media even painted him as the one who runs MormonInfo.org. Klein’s involvement in this film completely caught us off guard. The first we heard about it was when we were being inundated by calls from all sorts of news reporters. Klein has been an honorary board member, but has never been to any of our board meetings. Since I took CCU over from him, our contact with each other has been quite scant. As a result of Klein’s continued promotion of a film that results in little more than provoking violence, our board decided to remove him as one of our board members on September 14th, and our family got out of town for a few days during the height of this storm.


Here’s our official statement we put on the home page of CourageousChristiansUnited.org, and here are a couple radio interviews I had regarding this issue: one with Subash Keetel in South Florida and one with Letitia Wong.


More Radio Shows


Speaking of radio shows, here are the shows I’ve been doing so far on KUTR 820 AM in Ogden, UT. I will continue to update them on this link, so please check back. I was also interviewed on by Dave Mitchell on “The Next Step” in South Florida. We were primarily talking about the new Mormon temple opening there next year.


Praise the Lord for the ACLU!


Rob Sivulka with Ex-Mormon Christian Blain Hunsaker outside the Brigham City, UT LDS temple
Yes, that’s right! Here in Utah, the ACLU is on the side of the Christians, since they are the underdog here, and their rights need protecting on occasion. The most recent example was the ACLU coming to bat for us when Brigham City (80 to 90% LDS) shut down the east and west sidewalks on the square where the new temple sits downtown during its 4 week public opening. We even had to get permits from the city for their 3 free speech zones! The west sidewalk was where people touring the new temple were dropped off and picked up by buses. Consequently, our free speech rights were abridged in not being able to hand out our newspapers to the vast majority of the people touring the temple.


The ACLU sued the city, and the court date is sometime this month. This should be a slam dunk, which will set precedent for other attempts to limit our free speech. However, the city attorney of Brigham City said they weren’t going to enforce the sidewalk restrictions the last couple days of the temple opening. Here’s a video I took of this matter.


As a result of this non-enforcement, I was able to get this short video of dialoguing with a couple LDS missionaries on the west sidewalk the last day.


I also have a couple videos of LDS trying to intimidate me in one way or another from witnessing in Brigham City. The first records the voice mails I got from a disturbed gal (one of her emails is at the bottom of this newsletter). The second was with the temple supervisor who called the cops on me.


Voice of America Articles 


Voice of America reporter, Jerome Socolovsky, saw me on YouTube, and came to Utah in August to do a story of Mormonism as well as my ministry. The former article came out the end of August, and talks about me in several paragraphs. The latter article (and video) came out the middle of last month. I was very impressed with Socolovsky, and thought he did a really great job.


Ex-Mormon Meetup


We had another small turn out last month, and we had another very dramatic testimony. You can watch Jannette Harvey’s testimony here and see our pictures here.


We Need Your Partnership!


We not only need your prayers, but we need your financial assistance as well. Keep in mind that your investment is not simply for us, but for the lives of others we reach with the gospel. The standard way to financially invest is by writing a check to Courageous Christians United (CCU). But we also have secure electronic funds transfer programs available if you are interested in the simplicity of monthly withdrawals without the stamp. This also helps us with our monthly budgeting. For more information, please see our “Invest” page.  Please also keep in mind that, particularly in this economy, we have no financial guarantees each month. Ministry partners come and go as jobs do. If you’re not a partner, please consider joining our team and let us know soon. We’d love to be your missionaries here in Utah. Many thanks to those of you who hold us up in prayer and in your financial giving!


“Be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:9)!


Rob Sivulka

President, Courageous Christians United

P.O. Box 1374
West Jordan, UT 84084
(801) 738-0539
[email protected]




1. Health & protection for our whole family (baby Zoe Joy should be today or tomorrow at the latest--Tara's being induced on the 6th)
2. Tara’s and Maddi’s families to be saved
3. Wisdom in all our dealings





Thanks Rob for Standing up for Christ. My wife and I have driven by and given you "thumbs up" God Bless You and may the Name of our Lord be PRAISED!



I been foll[o]wing whats going on with you and that video on your page so I been praying Gods Protection for you and the family


Rob, this is awkward to say, but I just wanted to thank you for your evangelizing efforts. After church today, I thought, why did God save me? I'm not a speaker and may never bring anyone to salvation; I'm a sinner by nature and well aware of acts of my own, but God did call me to be one of His elect. A miracle… I was so, so Mormon. Then after getting home, I watched one of your YouTube videos talking to a Mormon missionary, and thought how you and Aaron are so good at talking to Mormons and bringing up ideas they would never think of by themselves. Don't ever give up or get discouraged! After all, it was a picture of you holding the sign JosephLied.com that started my search, though I really just wanted to know why you were so angry with the Mormons. You do a wonderful job, and keep up the good work. Jesus saves, but you bring the message, and so among others, are one of my heroes. God is using you in a mighty way.



You never know whose lives you have touched. I saw your picture on the internet, and never even had personal contact with the people who brought me the truth. I don't know a single ex-Mormon where I live. So be encouraged brother, you may be touching the life of someone from the other side of the world.


God has answered our prayers!



The young man, Hector, that I recently shared with Tara about was very excited today to tell me he checked out Robs website, read the verses I gave him and was so glad that I shared that with him!


He said he had never wanted to go off of feelings, he wanted to know clearly what they teach but felt when he asked questions the subject would be averted. He said he will be telling my coworker soon that he cannot continue lessons with her.



He even said he showed his mom some of the verses I gave him and she responded with "i told you." He wasn't even listening to his mom!


He was very glad and very thankful.



Praising God!!!


Hey bro...after talking to these Mormons I am 10x as appreciative for what you do



I deeply admire your faithfulness in responding to God's call to do this full time. I understand the stresses and the leanness. But also I understand God's surprising "sabbaths" in your life when you find rest and you can let yourself wonder at God's works. It is fruit that He creates that will last for eternity!


Well done.  Love ya.



I am saddened to hear that your church is so negative towards other faiths who believe in God. Why would someone want to make films that make fun of someones sacred beliefs only to mock them and tell them they are evil because of their beliefs. I truly believe in God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, and the holy ghost. I believe God loves all his children and that Christ died for all of us in hopes that we would make better choices. I do not think Christ would make such films, but he would pray for those who he felt needed our Father's guidance. We are free to choose what we believe, and yes you have your first ammendment rights, but why use them to hurt others? To me that is not Christian, but more anti-Christian. When Satan gets into our hearts he wants us to hurt others, to mock them and belittle them. We let that hatred of others beliefs make us evil and we in my opinion do more harm that good. If one is truly a Christian and claims to be so, he should take upon himself the name of Christ and be as He would be. In the Bible Christ spent time with the sinners because he loved them and wanted to help them. He did not judge them. Think of the women taken in adultery, he forgave her and bade her to sin no more. As a fellow Christian, I pray that there will be more love from members of all religions. If you wanted people to believe in your teachings, why teach hate? I am so sad that Steve Klein and others would make these films.

May the Lord be with you and those who made these films in the hopes that their hearts will be turned to God and his desire to be more like his Son.

A follower of Christ our Lord


[I replied:] Well first of all, as someone who is instructed to teach everything Jesus taught (Mat. 28:19), I'm supposed to warn people of false gods, false Christs, and false prophets (e.g., Mat. 24:24).  Islam has all this, and people need to be warned. 



Second, we didn't make the film "The Innocence of Muslims."  Did you read our opening statement concerning this matter on www.courageouschristiansunited.org ?  The film was really dopey, and it was really dopey of Steve to consult for this film and then promote it knowing what sort of reaction it would have. 


Third, please read Mat. 15:11-14, and then chapter 23.



Fourth, I also would and have forgiven people who have committed adultery, and I also tell them to not sin anymore.  But note, telling them that something is sin is exactly what I'm doing when I tell people that Islam and other religions are sin.


"Contend earnestly for the faith" (Jude 3),



[She replied:] Are we not all imperfect and need the Lord to sustain us? I feel it is important to speak out how we feel and share with all men of Christ. I do struggle though when we are mean and spiteful to those with whom we disagree. Most Muslims are peaceful people, it is the few that hate Americans. Why do they hate us? I feel it is because we are such a prideful nation. I fear for us just as much. We need to humble ourselves and look to God and ask for forgiveness of our judgements. For it is Christ's job to judge, not ours. As the Bible says, judge not least ye be judged.  There is too much hate in the world and not enough love. There is too much anger and not enough peace. Have you really researched to learn about the other religions and know what they teach? I am not of your church, but I am a follower of Christ. I pray for love and peace in the world. If we all did more to show love and judged less, oh what a wonderful world this would be. I know it is important to warn others of the truth, but I also feel that people will not care what you say until they know how much you care. Christ was an example to us, so we need to continue to be his example for others. I know people of all faiths and see their good works and love of Christ. Do you really believe that just because they don't belong to your church that they are evil? I hope that is not the case. If that is so then you will think I am evil, but I am a good person who loves my Savior with all my heart. I look to him in all things and try to be like him. I read his word and believe in loving all people as God loves them. I am sad when people do bad things, and I pray for them. I have found some great scriptures I wanted to share with you and thank you for those you shared with me. I also want you to know that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I love you as my brother regardless of how you may feel about me and my faith. I believe in my church will all my heart and know that because of the teaching of Christ I receive every sunday and through my scripture study that I am a better person. I know that God lives and Jesus is the Christ, and I am grateful for the Holy Ghost who has at many times guided me in life and choices that I've made. I feel his spirit when I pray and read his word, and when I help and serve others. I look forward to the day when He will come again in His glory.


It is sad that Steve did assist some with the film and I am glad you did not make it. Freedom of Speech is a hard thing.


I've heard it said that the tongue is in a wet place and if not careful it will slip. :-)
May God be with you always!


[I replied:] Please read this FAQ I wrote. Then please see my Home page of differences.


[She replied:] If you feel I am judging you, you are mistaken. I am sorry if you felt that way. I am sharing as you are sharing with me. I am just concerned with what is happening in the Middle East and the lack of love and peace in the world. I am glad that you are st[r]ong in Christ and share his word. In all Christian beliefs, there are so many good people. We may never all see eye to eye, but one thing we have in common is our love of God, our Saviour, and his words. It is your right to dislike my faith and I hold no malice. I am and will forever be strong in my faith.

Again I wish you all the very best as you share his words.


[I replied:] I'm just saying that if you think I'm judging by saying that Islam and Mormonism are false religions, and that I shouldn't do that, then you're also judging me by telling me that I shouldn't do that.  There's a difference between hypocritical judgments and righteous ones.  I judge righteously as Christ told us to do (Jn. 7:24).  So it's my judgment that we don't have a common love for God and the Savior, since we follow different Gods.  Please watch this short video I took on Saturday of me talking with a couple LDS missionaries.  I hope you see I have no hate for Mormons even though I think they are wrong.



[She replied:] No it is your right to believe as you do and mine as well. :-) I am not offended.


[I replied:] Thanks for understanding



Hey Rob I cheked ur website mormoninfo.org, truly genius & brilliant workmanship & not to forget great evangelical wisdom over the mormons like me, something I found interesting under the heading Where is the cross? under which you have put a very important comment by the late Church President Gordon B Hinckley on the cross and your beliefs The symbol of the cross is central, very interesting. I was wondering at this time that if Christ were to die by the Gun & bullet or maybe a vehicle or maybe anyother weapon, would these things become our (Christian) symbols Rob??? NOOOOOOO, The cross was only a means or a tool to die on for the Lord, but that does not take away the importance of the Savior Jesus Christ & his LIFE & Mission not even the cross is at all important. The true symbol of Christ like qualities is found in those that live them "By their fruits ye shall know them"...


[I replied:] Thanks for the compliments on our site!  It truly means a lot to me.  MormonInfo.org has truly been a labor of love for the LDS people, as well as informing my own Christian brothers and sisters.

I wouldn't have any problem saying that if Jesus atoned for our sins by a gun or some other means that this instrument would be the symbol of our Christian faith.  The point isn't necessarily the instrument, but the point is dying to oneself as Christ Himself did in the ultimate example of laying down one's life for the will of the Father and for our own benefit.  But since God chose the instrument of the cross, then that is why the apostle Paul says, "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God" (1 Cor. 1:18) and "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world" (Gal. 6:14).

The final thing I'd say about this is that, contrary to what the LDS Church teaches, the instrument wasn't the garden where Christ sweated "as it were" great drops of blood.  Christ was stressed and still submitted to the Father there, but 1 Pet. 2:24 is quite clear where the atonement actually took place.

Your bro,



[He replied:] Rob thank you for your explanation, well what I have found in it is not my understanding and what i know to be true on the subject as you have your free agency to express this from your point of view of the Gospel. God Bless you in all you do...


I was just doing some research and came across your website.  It's interesting that the day in which we live where we all should be striving to defend religious freedom, it seems as though the main objective of Mormoninfo.org is to bring about much strife.  As I read your website and the information you have posted about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I have to say your facts are quite inaccurate. 



Christ did not die for all sins.


Christ did not atone for the murderer, since there is no forgiveness for him "in this world, nor in the world to come."   INACCURATE  Perhaps redoing the research you will find contrary belief.



Are there other Gods?


There are many Gods for other worlds, and each God is equal to the God of this world in terms of His nature.


There are many gods who create and rule over other worlds, and on those worlds, worship excludes the God of our world.  Another INACCURATE "fact" of your site.


There are so many more inaccurate claims of this religions beliefs.  Time is too precious to list all incorrect items but just know the majority of your site should be reevaluated.



[I replied:] It would be much more helpful if we were to have a discussion if you were to deal with the authoritative sources I gave for each claim rather than simply telling me what you personally disagree with.  If you have a problem with those authoritative sources, then you simply disagree with the LDS Church.





You and your organization will be called every name under the sun for your beliefs.  Tolerance kills, not witnessing.  I was talking with my son on the way home from school today about the persecution the Church in America is about to endure.  Speaking out is not done to offend, but to save.


I gave an example in Sunday School.  If someone was going to eat poison cheese, is it "loving" to let them eat it or slap it out of their hands?



If we as Christians really believe the Bible, including the parts about Hell and judgement, we have to take action.  We would not let our friends eat poison cheese and we should not let our friends burn in Hell.

You are in my prayers.



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Arthur Adam Haglund says... (Reply)
"Rob, I thanks God that you are there doing the work you do. i do not praise you, but praise God FOR you. I know that it may be easy to become full of pride when praised, and I would not wish that fall upon anyone.

I am glad that you stick to the bible, for it really DOES have all the answers!

When someone deflects and asks why you don't go to Catholic parishes to proclaim their errors, it is good that you stick to the subject at hand. God has others for that work and you are needed where you are called. Take cheer, my brother.

I suggest that many who yell, "Don't judge!" understand that judging is exactly what all believers are called to do. It is only by righteous judgments that truth is known and error rejected.
In Christ,
Art" (10/6/12)